Friday, October 1, 2010

Police Keep Around the Ahmadiyya mosque in Bogor

The police until Saturday morning was still on guard around the mosque belonging Cicasalada Ahmadis, Village Ciampea hicks, Bogor Regency, West Java.

"Bogor police chief leading the direct security around mosques belonging Ahmadis who vandalized and burned last night," said Head of Public Relations (PR Kadiv) Police, Inspector General of Police Iskandar Hasan, here on Saturday.

Member of the Mass Control (Dalmas), the police sector (police) and car brigade (Brimob) combined, with a total strength of 250 personnel are on guard around the mosque, said Iskandar Hasan Inspector General.

"In the meantime, the situation can still be overcome, the masses have started to retreat from the scene," said Iskandar.

He explained that on Friday night (1 / 10) at around 19:00 pm there has been destruction and burning of mosques belong to the Ahmadis Cisalada RT 01/05 Desa Ciampea hicks, District Ciampea Bogor by residents of Kampung Salasa Market, Village Ciampea hicks.

"Chronological preceded the existence of two residents of Kampung Kebon Coffee, Village Ciampea hicks, District Ciampea who suffered wounds in the name of Rendi Cibungbulang taken to a health clinic," he said.

Then came rumors that the culprit was the Ahmadis Cisalada, so that citizens spontaneously attacked by the destruction that followed the burning.

"As a result of these events are recorded as a single unit car, the inside of the mosque, four houses were burned mass," said Inspector General of Police Iskandar, explains. Indonesia Today

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