Friday, October 1, 2010

Communist Party of Indonesia have been forgiven

Kesaktian Pancasila Day that falls today, October 1, 2010, become 'history' itself for children seven generals Heroes of the Revolution, leader of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI), and President Sukarno. That attract attention, also attended along with their youngest son of the New Order ruler, Hutomo Mandala Putra, who fondly called Tommy Soeharto. They gathered at the Nusantara Building III.

The event was named 'National Gathering' was also attended by Assembly Speaker and the Speaker of the House Taufiq Kiemas Marzuki Alie. Remarks and testimony presented, among others, by the daughter of Gen. Ahmad Yani posthumously, Amelia Yani; Christin Pandjaitan, daughter of Maj. posthumously IN Panjaitan; Sukmawati Sukarnoputri, and Tommy Soeharto.

Their testimony was also heard directly by Ilham Aidit, son of DN Aidit - which erupted during the 1965 event served as Chairman of the Party Central Committee - and Svetlana, the son of Vice-Chairman of the CC PKI, Nyoto. Also present were children of former Air Force Chief Omar Dhani, Feri Omar Nursaparyan. Omar Dhani's New Order regime was also accused of being involved in the rebellion of the PKI.

In his speech, Amelia Yani assert will never forget the events of the kidnapping and murder of the father in the middle of the night that happened before his eyes. Amelia admitted experiencing prolonged trauma.

The image of the abduction and murder is also still made an impression in the minds of Christin Pandjaitan. That night shot barrage Menghujam into the body of the father. Christin still remember clearly out of the brain from the skull of her father at that time. And that memory can never be lost.

That's why he never wanted to watch a movie G-30S/PKI. The film was obliged to watch the New Order era and almost every year playing on the television to commemorate the miracle of Pancasila Day.

Although the incident 45 years it still made an impression, both Amelia and Christin admitted that he had no grudge anymore. They do not want mistakes parents handed down to posterity.

Amelia even said that she understood exactly what he is feeling defiant child who ostracized for decades. Because of that revenge has been buried deeply.

Meanwhile, the daughter of Indonesia's first president, Sukmawati Sukarnoputri, said dark periods experienced after the events of 1965. "Murder Soekarno great generals, then demisionernya Dwikora Cabinet. Detention without trial ministers," she said.

According to her, these actions are reactions from those who do not like Bung Karno. "I am grateful to be here. For the future, let us optimistic, though full of unrest and chaos," said Sukmawati.

Tommy Suharto

After Sukmawati, turn the son of Soeharto's New Order ruler. In his speech, Tommy Soeharto asked all those present who had been pondering what happened in Indonesia.

"I can not convey steam, or any such impressions that had been submitted. Because I was alone at that time still not knowing my own circumstances (when the 3-year-old Tommy is more, red)," he said.

Tommy saw the National Gathering as the proper forum to look back on the history of the nation where the result must ultimately be borne children and grandchildren. "When G-30S/PKI if reverse case, where the ruling Politburo, perhaps we who feel miserable at the time," said Tommy.

But, he continued, God apparently another berhendak. Therefore, Tommy hopes that events in the past made a valuable lesson to the front so as not to be repeated in the future.

"We can not change history, but we can change the future of our nation itself," said Tommy. "On behalf of my personally say sorry physically and spiritually. May the Almighty God who gave his blessing for us all." Indonesia Today

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