Exactly a year ago, October 2nd, 2009, the Organization of Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) set of batik as a world cultural heritage of Indonesia. Historic date was then set by the government into the National Batik Day.
For lovers of ancient batik, Shinta Dhanuwardoyo, also fondly called as Shinta Bubu, UNESCO award is an appreciation of classical art high flavor. Not solely on the beauty of batik cloth itself, but an appreciation of batik artisans in rural areas.
However, behind the popularity of batik, which is now more global, batik Shinta did not want to just be the euphoria in their own country. All of the Indonesian people have a duty to keep the award given by UNESCO. He invites people did not hesitate to captivate the world with batik.
Batik today is no longer just jarik or tank top that is identical with the past or the rural community. His form was not merely the long strands of fabric without sewing. Patterned fabric that is painted with wax or night has become part of fashion trends.
Various innovations continue to be done for the sake of charming the world market. Without crashing grip of traditional batik, a number of fashion industry in the country to create mating with modern details.
Young designer Lenny Agustin example, is one of the activists serious fashion batik process as part of fashion trends. "I want young people today are proud to wear batik as everyday clothing like old people."
Fashion designers and fashion industry, according to him, should continue to explore batik, both in terms of design, and motive. Creativity is needed for batik still exist. "Classic batik motifs are to be preserved, but it never hurts to be more creative with motives that are more contemporary," said Lenny.
Shown a similar spirit of Oscar Lawalatta. This young designer is not tired creative with traditional batik. UNESCO awards made him more confident batik fashion show off to foreign countries.
"I always try to explore Indonesian ethnic elements and incorporating them into my design. Our culture is very diverse and very exotic. By exploring and entering in each design, for me, is a pride, "said Oscar.
Lifting of batik to the international scene can not escape from the role of maestro batik Tirtamidjaja Nursjirwan homeland, known as Iwan Tirta. Died a few months ago, batik artists and designers that leave a legacy of struggle that has sweet fruit.
Long before the young people of today so confident wearing a batik, Iwan has been struggling to promote the beauty of batik to foreign countries.
Master of law from Yale University that had a big hand in transforming the traditional batik cloth into a luxurious modern dress. He gave a modern flavor to become global batik.
Through his work, Iwan Tirta also managed to make world leaders Nelson Mandela captivated batik. Almost in every opportunity, anti-apartheid leader who was well respected South African nation is always wearing a batik in various world forums. Batik Mandela mostly from Indonesia.
Penchant for wearing clothing typical Indonesian Mandela made African nation became familiar with batik. Only, they are more familiar with batik as 'Madiba's Shirt' aka Mandela clothing. Madiba is a popular name to call Mandela.
Batik is not only found in Indonesia. Besides in Africa as 'Madiba's Shirt', batik also exist in Malaysia, Japan, China, India, Germany and the Netherlands.
However, according to Shinta, Indonesian batik has distinctive features. There are some classic motif that is not likely to be encountered in any country such as Kawung, and Sido Mukti.
"The most distinguished, most delicate Indonesian batik because cantingnya very small so as to produce a smooth and neat pictures," he said. "While in some countries are more likely to batik manufacturer or printing."
As a lover of classical batik, Shinta not feel disturbed by industrial development. He actually saw the development of modern batik as a positive thing. "A modern touch to make batik more could go international," he said. "When playing the batik industry, it means that traditional batik in coastal and rural areas are also not going to die." Indonesia Today
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