Regional Governing Board (DPD) DKI Jakarta Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) reported panita Film Festival organizers Q! to Polda Metro Jaya, Friday, October 1, 2010.
According to the Chairman of the FPI Mungkar Nahi, Munarman, this report because they assess the organizers of the film has been disseminating pornography. "We'll report it to the article UU ITE Pornography and the Law," said Munarman.
In addition, according to Chairman of DKI Jakarta DPD FPI, Habib Umar bin Salim Al-Aththas, films shown in Q! Film Festival, they are not fair value. He claimed to have seen the film footage. "I have a CD that film footage, the duration of 5 to 6 minutes. There was a kissing scene and naked," he said.
Salim denied will perform a number of anarchist action to protest the festival, including damage or set fire to the building where the festival was held. Because of that, still says he, FPI report this to police.
Prior to reports, the delegation met the Head of Public Relations FPI Jakarta Police, Commissioner of the Big Boy Rafli Amar.
According to Boy, this report will be received by the police and is considered better than acts of violence. "This is better," said Boy.
On Tuesday, September 27, 2010 Last FPI mass rallies against Q! Film Festival which among others will play the movies on lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans gender. They demonstrated in the German Cultural Center, France, the Netherlands, and Japan, where the festival will be held. FPI ultimatum organizers to stop the screening of the films.
Conversely, a number of human film actually gave their support for this film festival. Support among others come from Lukman Sardi, Nia Dinata, and director Hanung Bramantyo. Indonesia Today
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